SCORE : 64/67 Questions Wrong: #30, #62, #65

    - 30  
            Question Answer: ![image](/Users/saitalisetty/vscode/student/_site/Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.36.04 PM.png)

            Explanation: Answer C. Incorrect. For example, if n is initially 5, then the first IF condition will be true and n will be incremented by 1. The next IF condition will also be true because n is at least 1. The next IF condition will be false because n is less than 30. The next IF condition will be false because n is less than 10. Therefore, "too low" will be displayed.
    - 62
            Question Answer: ![image](/Users/saitalisetty/vscode/student/_site/Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.41.19 PM.png)

            Explanation: I was supposed answer two answers not just one. I need to read the directions and pay attention.
    - 65    
            Question Answer:


            Explanation: I was supposed answer two answers not just one. I need to read the directions and pay attention.