Computer Science Lab Notebook

Unit1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with Pair (pair name).

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
0 - Daily Plan Sample
- Prunned Tool Procedure ...
- Overview of Hacks, Study and Tangibles
1 - More Detail Plan
- IPYNB Table, Code
- Review Ticket
2 - Week 2 Plans
- JS Calculator
- JS Output w/ jquery
- Penalty Shootout Game
- Python IO
- Classic Snake Game
- Review Ticket
- 4.1 - The Internet
3 - Week 3 Plans
- Soccer Game
- Review Ticket

Unit2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Plans Hacks(Todo) Tangibles
4 - Collaboration Review
- RR Code Test
- Bentley Code Test
6 - Web Programming Basics
7 - Homework Problems Data Abstractions
- Iteration Lesson
8 - Boolean, If Lesson
- Lists and Search
9 - Developing Procedures
- BadandFakeLogin
- Data Table
- NFL Table
11 - Titanic Simulator
- NFL Simulator
12 - Final Project Plan
- Data Structures Write Up
- College Board MCQ
- Tri 2 Final Review
- College Board Quiz Review
- Extra Credit Peer Grading
- Individual Tri 2 Review
- Individual Tri 1 Review